A Bold Identity for Inclusive Development

The Inclusive Development and Equitable Assistance (IDEA) activity was a USAID-funded project dedicated to working with organizations led by and serving marginalized and underrepresented groups and provided these groups with small grants, tools, and resources to build their capacity.

I presented five different design options. The team chose the equal sign concept which conveyed the idea of balance and fairness. It also embodies the idea that all elements hold equal value and importance, thereby reinforcing the organization’s overarching mission.

Designs also included business cards and website mockups.

  • Established a distinct and memorable visual identity that sets IDEA apart from other organizations with similar acronyms.
  • Reinforced the mission of equity and fairness through a strong, advocacy-driven logo centered on the equal sign concept.
  • Enhanced brand versatility with a design effective in both color and black-and-white applications.
  • Provided a cohesive suite of materials, including business cards and website mockups, to support outreach and engagement.

Download to view full brand guidelines

Photos courtesy of Global Changemakers

Completed while at Education Development Center